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Arianna K.

Pack your smile and hurry up to class to make good memories! Over 7 years of teaching experience.
(508 opinii)
Zdaniem uczniów:
Świetne plany lekcji (121)
Zapewnia solidny feedback (111)
Udostępnia świetne materiały (110)
Punktualność i niezawodność (93)
Świetne konwersacje (62)
Języki ojczyste:
Znam też:
francuski, rosyjski
Pack your smile and hurry up to class to make good memories! Over 7 years of teaching experience.
Zdaniem uczniów:
Świetne plany lekcji (121)
Zapewnia solidny feedback (111)
Udostępnia świetne materiały (110)
Punktualność i niezawodność (93)
Świetne konwersacje (62)
Języki ojczyste:
Znam też:
francuski, rosyjski
Język ogólny
Redukcja akcentu
Młodzi adepci
BA in English & Communications

Are you a visual (using images and videos) learner? Auditory (rhythms, songs and lectures) ? Maybe verbal (reading and memorizing out loud) or kinesthetic (writing or drawing) learner? Do you prefer the intrapersonal (learning on your own) or interpersonal (learning with others) mode of learning? I carefully detect your learning style, then I appropriate it, putting it to your best interest.

Moja metoda nauczania:
I am deeply convinced that an effective teacher can vary their style depending on the nature of the subject, the phase of the course, and factors such as a student’s individual needs and learning style. So what students can definitely expect from me as a teacher is flexibility. My teaching style is a blend of directing (promotes listening, and comprehension), discussing (develops speaking and critical thinking) and delegating (builds confidence, independence, creativity) strategies. I make sure to use an appropriate mix of the three to meet a student’s individual needs. A more important factor for me personally is detecting the student’s learning style to be able to cater to their learning needs.
Moje doświadczenie w nauczaniu:

I am a BA graduate with a degree in English and Communications. I minored in Developmental Psychology, which expanded the scope of my capacities as an educator and enhanced my skillset of teaching strategies. I have been teaching an English-language Art Appreciation course to young adults at the university I graduated from since 2016. In parallel, I have also been working as a tutor of beginner to advanced level English courses for K-12 children with special needs for 3 years. I shifted my primary focus to online ESL teaching in 2019 and have been teaching one-on-one as well as small group classes online ever since. I have taught students ranging from 3yo children to 60+yo businesspeople. My years of ESL tutoring for diverse age groups have shown how crucial the role of a teacher is in the development of especially young children and adults, therefore I approach my profession with utmost diligence. I foster and cherish a unique connection with my students and love my job to bits!

Moje pozanauczycielskie "ja":

My professional background outside of teaching revolves around exploring humans through visual and textual media. I have always been fascinated with art and literature, and so I try to reinforce creative freedom in the classroom accordingly. If you ever find me not teaching, then I'm most probably translating a book into one of the several languages I have come to master. Together with my 3 former classmates, I co-founded a bilingual youth theater, where we stage plays with emerging artists ranging from the classical to the modern. Aside from my penchant for the literary and the visual, I have also expanded the scope of my studies to include psychology, philosophy, physiology, gender studies, and the human brain. So, if you choose my free talk lessons, you can be sure that I have infinite topics of discussion to offer! :)

Cena lekcji
Lekcja próbna (30 min): €3.50
Długość lekcji:
Podgląd kalendarza
21 Oct - 27 Oct
06:00 - 12:00
12:00 - 17:00
17:00 - 00:00
00:00 - 06:00
Czas lekcji wyświetlany na podstawie Twojego czasu lokalnego: 9:04 AM (UTC).
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(508 ocen, 8 pisemnych recenzji)