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Umów lekcję
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Simon Marshall

I believe learning has to be enjoyable to be productive. It also has to be relevant to your needs. That is what I offer.
(36 opinii)
Zdaniem uczniów:
Udostępnia świetne materiały (9)
Punktualność i niezawodność (8)
Świetne konwersacje (8)
Inspiruje i motywuje (3)
Skupiony na gramatyce (2)
Języki ojczyste:
Znam też:
włoski, hiszpański
I believe learning has to be enjoyable to be productive. It also has to be relevant to your needs. That is what I offer.
Zdaniem uczniów:
Udostępnia świetne materiały (9)
Punktualność i niezawodność (8)
Świetne konwersacje (8)
Inspiruje i motywuje (3)
Skupiony na gramatyce (2)
Języki ojczyste:
Znam też:
włoski, hiszpański

My classes are a dialogue between my students and me. The emphasis is on speaking. They are informal but NOT unstructured. By means of enjoyable and informative texts, audios and videos (Cambridge and Macmillan) I introduce useful vocabulary and essential grammar that you will then be able to practice in specially designed exercises and, of course, talking with me. Using the language is the most important aspect of any lesson. I will encourage you to apply everything to your own reality.

Moja metoda nauczania:
My classes are interactive and conversational. I like to use the language we study in real conversations about issues my students care about, and I also encourage them to use the aspects of the language we focus on to create their own texts where they can recount stories or express their opinions and ideas. The foundation of my classes is derived from the following materials:
  • Empower from Cambridge (general English)
  • In Company from Macmillan (business English)
  • Business Results from Oxford (business English)
  • Cambridge English First Masterclass from Oxford (general English)
Moje doświadczenie w nauczaniu:

I have been teaching English as a second language since the beginning of 2018. I have the CELTA certificate from Cambridge University. I have experience in teaching in-person classes of groups of up to 8 people. I have worked in a secondary school. My students' ages have ranged from 15 to ... I never asked. For the last two years I been teaching online. My students have mostly been professionals. I have taught accountants, doctors, lawyers, IT workers, managers and aspiring managers of all kinds. I have also taught students (high school and university).

Moje pozanauczycielskie "ja":

I had a career of more than two decades in IT systems. I have worked as a computer programmer in the banking sector, and the petrochemical and manufacturing industries. I subsequently worked as a training consultant, assisting European clients with the implementation and use of programming tools for software development and Business Intelligence. In a complete lifestyle change, I worked for a couple of years in retail, opening my own shop in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, with my wife. But afterwards I returned to technology and worked for several years in software sales before getting back into education - this time of the English language!

Cena lekcji
Lekcja próbna (30 min): €5.50
Długość lekcji:
Ups! Wygląda na to, że nauczyciel nie ma w tej chwili żadnych wolnych terminów. Wyślij wiadomość i zapytaj, kiedy będziecie mogli umówić się na lekcję.
Podgląd kalendarza
21 Oct - 27 Oct
06:00 - 12:00
12:00 - 17:00
17:00 - 00:00
00:00 - 06:00
Brak wolnych terminów 🙁
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Opinie od innych uczniów  
(36 ocen, 1 pisemna recenzja)