Maya Itsakova

An international educator with 17 years of experience teaching Literature and Writing. Now I work with adult learners.
(1 opinia)
Zdaniem uczniów:
Punktualność i niezawodność (1)
Dużo energii i entuzjazmu (1)
Zabawne/śmieszne lekcje (1)
Doskonale wyjaśniania trudne pojęcia (1)
Świetne konwersacje (1)
Języki ojczyste:
An international educator with 17 years of experience teaching Literature and Writing. Now I work with adult learners.
Zdaniem uczniów:
Punktualność i niezawodność (1)
Dużo energii i entuzjazmu (1)
Zabawne/śmieszne lekcje (1)
Doskonale wyjaśniania trudne pojęcia (1)
Świetne konwersacje (1)
Języki ojczyste:
Język ogólny
Diploma in TESL
TEFL certificate
TESL certificate

Hello, I'm Maya! I'm from Kazakhstan, and I am a third-culture kid. My native language is Russian. I've taught ESL to Elementary and Middle School students, and multiple high school lit and writing courses. Now I mostly work with professionals from various fields. I also host a weekly book club IRL, and would love to help others start their own! Lately, my focus has been on the 20th-century American literature. The world of literature is vast and welcoming, join me to explore it!

Moja metoda nauczania:
I will suggest you select from my collection of short stories to read and discuss. My go-to authors are Ray Bradbury, O. Henry, Shirley Jackson, and Guy de Maupassant. I will ask many questions pertaining to the author's intention, message, and tone, and we will have an in-depth discussion of the author's style, socio-economic background, and use of literary devices. We will make connections to our own current conditions, compare and contrast epochs, and discuss the premise of the story at hand. I will also offer a variety of non-fiction articles concerning any current and past matters of the world, and we will discuss the author's explicit and implicit biases, possible logical fallacies, and the author's appeals to ethos, pathos, and logos.
Moje doświadczenie w nauczaniu:

I've taught English to people of all ages for 15 years. I've been teaching English Literature and Writing to high school students in an international school for the past seven years. I am primarily interested in teaching higher-level analysis to adults and teens (15+). I have much experience teaching literary analysis to high school students and working professionals. I've hosted an Informed Opinion Nonfiction Book Club for several years, where teachers and students alike were able to develop their critical thinking skills. I have been an editor of the school's newspaper, and I have insanely rich experience editing and revising essays. Now I host a book club IRL, and tutor professionals from many different fields (including, but not limited to: anthropologists, engineers, IT specialists, fellow teachers, etc.).

Moje pozanauczycielskie "ja":

I have a background as a school teacher, but our international school is a diverse and dynamic place where I was able to develop a unique and inquisitive teaching style that has been appreciated by many students in the past. I taught individuals from all over the world - the United States, England, Russia, Poland, Turkey, China, Korea, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, the Czech Republic, Ukraine, Columbia, Spain, Switzerland, Germany, and more! I am fascinated with the study of people and the mind, therefore I am exploring the worlds of philosophy, psychology, sociology, history, and political economy. If you are looking to expand your horizons as a student, let's meet up! Do remember, however, that I am often told that no matter what we discuss, I always dig a little deeper.

Cena lekcji
Lekcja próbna (30 min): €6.50
Długość lekcji:
Podgląd kalendarza
10 Mar - 16 Mar
06:00 - 12:00
12:00 - 17:00
17:00 - 00:00
00:00 - 06:00
Czas lekcji wyświetlany na podstawie Twojego czasu lokalnego: 1:37 PM (UTC).
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(1 ocena, 1 pisemna recenzja)